I am Far too pleased with myself and this tooling. But I'm definitely happy. I can't wait to care more pieces. I'm out of the "Bee Natural pro carve" so I'm at a standstill with tooling till the new bottle I ordered comes in from WA.
In the meantime I'm working on my donation for model horses anonymous. It'll have some braidwork on it. I can tell you that much :-)
I'm sure that I don't have to mention that the holidays were bitterwsweet for me because of losing dad this year. Another friend of mine lost hisDad just yesterday and that is poinant to me because it helps me realize how far I've come.. and how much farther I have to go still..
I hope that you and your family had a wonderful holiday and that you have a wonderful new year! Here is to hoping that 2012 will be happier for everyone. :0)