I have been having an awful time Focusing on one piece of tack lately. My brain is bombarding me with ideas and I suddenly think that they're ALL good ideas.. LOL! I've restrained myself to three pieces at once though. The Braided bridle below, the bridle above and another bridle with a leather headstall and some braidwork as well.
The Bridle above is to match my Terry Newberry Saddle. Im trying to talk myself out of making romel reins for it but I haven't been successful yet. I am particularly proud of the knot above the tassel. I can't even express how small that sucker is but I am very pleased that I was able to pull it off :-)
Poor Munchkin is sick again this week. He's had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic (yes, another one!) that he was taking for a "suspected" spider bite around his eye. (confirmed by the dr yesterday) Right now his entire body is covered with red blotches. (including is little feet!) so he is home again with me today. Here at home he can get the extra rest his body needs to help "deal" with this.
This of course means that I can't get a lot done but it's worth it to help him feel better..