Thursday, August 27, 2009

Latest Braidwork bridle

This lovely bridle belongs to Kellye Bussey. She asked me a year ago to consider doing some bradework for her and my schedule loosened up and I was able to. I've been working dilligently on this bridle and I think it's turned out very well.

Unfortunately, with my current point and shoot camera, you can't see all of the detail. The single interweave knots on the bridle actually have two colors, not just one. The black seems to have dominated the brown in pictures. When you hold it in your hands, the brown is very evident.

Kellye picked the colors and I have to say it's a great color combination!!
This bridle was heavily influenced by some black and silver Luis Ortega reins that were auctioned off this year in the Cody Old west catalog.
I'll be back working on my blue and black bridle till September 1 when I have another bridle and breastcollar combo to do!

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