Monday, May 30, 2011

Small update

This is a small update. I've barely been in the studio at all. Seems as though grief is a creativity killer for me. I did manage a half an hour today to finish the tooling on the bottom skirt of the saddle. I think that after it has been dyed and the antiquing paste added that it'll look super spiffy.

Deep, Deep, Thanks for the support in the comments from the last post about my dad. The support is always appreciated and it's never a bother to me to get emails like that...

Dad is still with us but it is still being framed as "borrowed time". I visited him today in the nursing home (as I do every day) but today I couldn't stop crying so I had to leave after a short time. One of the bright spots in all of this is my 3 year old son. He gave his grandpa lots of hugs and tells grandpa that he (grandpa) needs to get better so that they can play again.

My sister has also been an amazing saint during all of this and we are a lot closer than we've ever been. (8 years between us)

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts are with you and your family *big fuzzy hugs*


Thanks for saying so!