I have recently discovered the Joy of Netflix Streaming. That statement is an understatement. Every night I watch yet another "artsy" film that inspires me and reconnects me to my passion for art. Today, I watched "Wasteland" about
Vik Muniz's project to help the poor of Brazil who work in the landfills and collect recyclables for very little money. Activism through art..
The other film I watched today was beyond the fold. A PBS documentary about Origami. It was only an hour long but I would've watched hours and hours of it. Above is the work of
Eric Joisel, a french Origami Master who passed away in 2010 unfortunately. The above Characters are ONE PIECE OF FOLDED PAPER EACH. I'll wait for you to get up off of the floor.............................................................. Yeah, I'm pretty shocked too. And inspired. Like you wouldn't believe. All I can think is, Nothing is impossible. Nothing. You just have to find a way, and whatever lives in your head can be realized.
I know, deep stuff for a Saturday evening. My apologies for having an existential crisis but I've had to re-evaluate a whole lot in my life over the last 7 months. Now what to do with this Knowledge? Dunno yet.. Brain is still working out a plan...
On Monday, as previously mentioned, My mentor and Friend, Susan Bensema Young will be at my house. I love our Pow Wows and I look forward to them every year. The thing about when Susan visits is this - she doesn't mince words with me. She is not dazzled by "pretty". She is only dazzled by "good". And when I receive her approval on a piece.. I know that it's really good. And she keeps my ego in check.. which sometimes it needs.
I'll also be visiting with Erin Corbett. This is the first time that I've ever allowed.. er.. had someone over during my own time with Susan. I hope we all get along well :0)
My own work has been less focused.. or maybe as focused as my netflix watching.. lol! I keep wanting to work on my braided bridle instead of the saddle I should be working on.. I think I'm going to finish this part of the headstall and then put it down.. I think.. lol!
I am going to be schlepping around the Holiday Inn North.. er.. Clarion? Dunno what it's called now.. so if you see me stop me and say "hey"...