Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Still obsessed!

Yup, Still obsessed with photography! I'm happy to say that I think I'm getting better too! I had a photo shoot with a friend last friday and I think that I did pretty well. THe above picture is of "sugar" who is a Paso Fino Mare. Getting her ears up was a bit of a "Task" but as you can see, we managed! I had a great time! I want to do a lot more picture taking of horses when their owners will allow it :-) (I'm aware the above photo needs some work, I just haven't gotten that far yet... I'll be doing that today)

I don't just like taking photos of horses though. Yesterday I went out into the back yard and shot dragon flies. THOSE buggars are hard to capture. Thankfully they lite on weeds and twigs and I can actually get a good photo of em!

I was beginning to feel really guilty about getting so into photography until I realized that I do this every year. I guess one's brain always needs a break from something one does constantly. I think it's good for creative growth too. Another artist friend of mine, has been going through the same thing, just not with photography. I think that some years I paint models, or I take up drawing again (which REALLY helps me on my scale proportions) or when I'm feeling really lazy I play the old version of Ages of Empires

With that said, I am still working on the bridle for my mother hubbard set. Sometimes Mr Boy sleeps soundly and I can actually get a knot done. Sometimes, he doesn't which makes getting a knot done almost impossible. I am also still working slowly on the halter that I'll eventually have for sale.

I am also slowly dispersing my collection. Resins are just getting hard to collect in that one has to have them prepped (because it KILLS my hands to prep) and then painted by a great artist that is actually taking orders. I am very particular about how my horses have to look when they're painted and finding people of that caliber is just difficult, and not to mention expensive. Artists in our hobby tend to get overbooked and burned out quickly. Since I don't have a job, it makes collecting resins and getting them painted nearly impossible... I've decide I'll keep the unpainted critters that I really love and the painted ones that I really love and thats it.

Also, I won't be going to NAN. I found out that hubby has to go out of town the first part of that week so I don't have anyone to look after munchkin.. He'll be back by Thursday though so I'll be able to "do" some of breyerfest. I have a table at the swap meet so I'll definitely have things for sale there!

Well, "boy" is taking a nap so I have to go do some things around the house that I've been neglecting forever

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