Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sunday Sunday Blah Blah


As you may or may not have gathered from my other posts, I'm trying to figure out a way to do art full time.  Or maybe part time- and work part time. I am an IT person so part time IT work isn't really a thing.

On my miniatures website, I've been trying to retake "cleaner" photos of the work I do still own.  I am not as good as professional photographer that is practiced in taking photos of products. I'm trying to use the lifetime of experience that I have with photography though to take at least BETTER photos than the phone snaps I've been using with clean backgrounds.

Mostly my website is a portfolio site for my miniatures.  I have a custom domain and since I don't sell over there on that site it's a reasonable fee. I've tried testing out other web hosting providers but using a custom domain makes it a bit more expensive than average and Smugmug is actually the cheapest.

I'd like to share a few of the new photos I've taken recently with you:

I am working on a Private project for a customer- The winner of the December Custom Bosal Lottery that I can't share yet so I don't have as much as usual to talk about.  BUT  I am also working on the green show bosal here and there.. and I have finished up,  finally, after years and years.. a friends braided bridle.  She is going to show at Equilocity this year and has offered to show some of my work.

Also I still have the Royal Blue, Black and White Bosal at auction and it ends monday evening (eastern time) SO Grateful for everyone that has bid and that supports my work.. It helps to inspire me to make more!!

Royal BLue, Black and WHite Bosal

I hope you've had a good week and Happy Sunday!


  1. Yay!! It's great to see you blogging again :) and to find out more about your plans. Needless to say I am wishing you the best! and looking forward to another BFest visit. Go Heather!!

  2. Your photo 'Bathtime' is amazing!


Thanks for saying so!