Thursday, December 18, 2008

Slowly moving along......

The above halter is still available and probably will be until after Christmas. Stupid me, I didn't realize how close Christmas was because I've been holed up in the house. I envisioned the halter for darker color horses like the one above where regular colored tack doesn't show up very well. Red and Black are the University of Louisville Colors and are a lot of other schools' colors so I figured that someone that based their performance set up on their school colors could probably use it. But I'm sure it'll sell eventually.. I just have to find the right buyer.



Christmas time is very busy for a lot of folks, and we're no exception. Munchkin is also a year old now and has decided that he doesn't need any naps so my time in the studio is at a minimum now. He also doesn't like the sound of the dremel or the engraver when awake or asleep so we are considering moving my studio to the basement. Actually, it's almost become imperative to move my studio to the basement because I'm at an annoying and frustrating stand still.



I have a part of one shank of the bridle plan below finished but getting the rest of it done may be impossible until after the holidays. I'm trying to acclimate munchkin to the dremel by using it in front of him but so far he really doesn't like it. He makes a grimace and then starts to tear up. : /



Progress on learning a "Long knot" of some sort has been at a standstill this week as well. Just no time to myself during an "awake" period. I can't do any braiding or knot tying when I'm tired because I forget how things go and I mess it up every time.



It's supposed to be 60 degrees here tomorrow due to a freak warm front so hopefully there will be some sun and maybe I can take munchkin to the park.
Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful work you do. My father makes saddles for horses. Both miniature and for big horses. I did macreme when I was younger. Need to get back into that. Thanks for visiting my blog, I hope you'll be back. Have a great day.


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